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I N T E R N A T I O N A L          C R E A T I V E    D I R E C T O R    &    B R A N D I N G   A G E N C Y   B A S E D   I N   M E L B O U R N E ,  A U S T R A L I A

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Meet the 2023 Dieline Awards Jury

by Jessica Deseo

Entries are judged by a highly esteemed international panel of structural packaging, design, branding, and consumer product experts and awarded based on creativity, marketability, innovation, execution, and on-pack branding.

For 2023, DIELINE continues to reimagine the competition by welcoming new categories, including NFT, Brand Collaborations, and Startup. We continue to redefine existing divisions and evolve the competition like the industry itself. Judging will continue to be grouped by category, with experts in each division judging the respective work.


It's More Than Sunflower Seed Oil, It's FLWRPWR

by Alianne Valladares-Prieto on 02/17/2021 | 2 Minute Read


FLWRPWR reached out to Candy Brophy Creative in order to give their brand packaging a crispyedge over their competition. What was once regarded as an anti-war slogan in the late 60s and early 70s, is now going to be known for providing smiles and satisfaction from the grocery store shelf to the moment you realize you already had the last chip. 


Focusing predominantly on retro color schemes and the combination of soft, rounded shapes and sharp-angled strokes, Candy did well to acknowledge the ideals of the 70s culture through her design. The emphasis on health and wellness through the inclusion of sunflower seed oil is found, not only in the clever name, but in the incorporation of nature on the label as well. The sunny, contagious smiles on the cartoon flowers suggest a level of trust in the whole and organic ingredients within.



FLWRPWR Vege Crisps are vegetable crisps with a sunflower seed oil twist. The bold, funky branding paired with the muted colour scheme and blocky architecture, come together to formulate a brand identity that has a wow factor. 



The rounded typography is a nod to the traditionally 60's and 70's vibe, which add to the "flower power" theme of the brand’s namesake. Each color contrasts each other well, making for a strong shelf presence. The retro vibes juxtapose the modern aspect of a gluten free product category. This does well to set FLWRPWR apart from the competing vegetable crisp varieties.






*Ownership and copyright:  Mock up and vector developments are for the specific purpose of concept and are not free of copyright. They must not be used as final art or shared without permission. In regards to ownership a “limited usage” fee will be applied where a ‘brand mark’ has been created or developed by CANDY CREATIVE PTY LTD unless otherwise agreed. The client in good faith has no limited usage right until the limited usage fee is paid and if a license or buyout fee is agreed to a contract will be signed with a gross unit percentage/royalties negotiated, until such time all artwork copyright belongs to CANDY CREATIVE PTY LTD. All general invoices must be paid within 14 days. Work must not be used until the invoice is paid, this is just fair business practice.


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